10 Horror Movie Secrets Never Meant To Be Found

5. The Babadook’s Face - The Babadook

The Exorcist Pazuzu
Cinetic Media

Home to the most annoying child in cinema history, The Babadook came out in 2014 and made everyone absolutely petrified to go to sleep.

Jennifer Kent's first feature length film told the story of the titular being, a horrifying monster that haunts the home of Amelia, a single mother to a young son.

The film is symbolic of the struggles of parenthood and the perils of being a woman in the modern age, but it's also just straight-up frightening at times, as Mister Babadook goes to town on his poor victims.

Like all good horror monsters, the Babadook is mostly kept in the shadows. We never really catch a glimpse of what it looks like, outside of drawings in the pop-up book.

However, during a scene where the fiend crawls across Amelia's bedroom ceiling, we spy the briefest of looks at Mr. B's gristly face. Pale white skin, large black circles round the eyes, jet black teeth. Jeez, has this guy never heard of Colgate?

Whilst keeping it out of sight was a great way of maintaining the creature's mystique, this fleeting glance at its horrifying visage actually makes thing even worse.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.