10 Horror Movie Secrets We All Missed

6. Peter's Friend Was A Cult Member - Hereditary

The Thing Kurt Russell

Ari Aster's masterful debut Hereditary is one of the most unforgettable horror movies of the last decade, if not beyond. It's also a densely layered film packed with hidden narrative hints which make repeat viewings an absolute joy.

While it's well known at this point that the cult members who descend upon the Graham family in the third act are actually hidden in plain sight throughout the movie, there's one secret interloper just about everybody missed.

In a seemingly inconsequential mid-film scene, Peter (Alex Wolff) hangs out with his school friends underneath the bleachers.

We're not invited to pay much attention to his pals, but in the film's final scene, one of his buddies is subtly revealed to be one of the cult's members.

Actor Gabriel Monroe Eckert, who is credited as "Stoner #2," is present as one of the nude cult members in the film's final scene, confirming that the cult was manipulating every possible aspect of Peter's life, setting him up to eventually be possessed by Paimon at the end.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.