10 Horror Movie Secrets You Didn’t Know

6. Halloween - The Origins Of Michael Myers’ Mask

horror movie secrets
Compass International Pictures

For such a masterpiece, it's a minor miracle that John Carpenter's iconic slasher Halloween wasn't a hack job (sorry).

The film's concept first came from a proposed sequel to Black Christmas, according to its director, and the role of the film's mute antagonist was filled in by the screenwriter Nick Castle simply because someone needed to lumber around menacingly in the iconic blue boiler suit. As for the iconic Michael Myers mask?

Well that detail is one recalled by horror fans even decades later, so surely a film which would go on to spawn an entire sub genre as well as countless sequels, remakes, and reboots could put in a little extra effort and design something original?

Sure, or an unconcerned Carpenter could tell a costume designer to just find "a mask with human features", resulting in an iconic horror movie costume which is actually just as inside-out Captain Kirk mask that's been painted white before shooting.

Next you'll tell us Carpenter composed the iconic score himself too, solely to see if he could squeeze another royalty cheque out of the project...

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