10 Horror Movie Sequels MASSIVELY Better Than The Original

4. V/H/S/94

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2012's horror anthology V/H/S kickstarted an ongoing franchise of four sequels to date (with a fifth on the way), no matter that the original movie was actually a relatively hit-and-miss affair.

As is so often the problem with anthologies, the original V/H/S' collective of shorts range from pretty good to completely forgettable. Though the format definitely offered up plenty of promise, many were left wishing for a greater degree of quality control.

And the same was largely true across the two immediate sequels that followed - V/H/S/2 and V/H/S: Viral - until the series was resurrected last year with V/H/S/94.

By far the most consistently entertaining, conceptually interesting, and well thought-out film of the franchise, V/H/S/94 seemed to demonstrate the producers listening to fans' vocal complaints about the first three movies.

Though the recently released V/H/S/99 didn't hit quite the same high, the series nevertheless seems to be back on firmer footing than ever before.

It's incredibly rare that the fourth film in any horror series is the best, but such is the free-wheeling, unpredictable nature of anthologies, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.