10 Horror Movie Sequels That Had No Right To Be This Good

4. Final Destination 5

Final Destination 5
New Line Cinema

For those who've seen Final Destination 5, you'll immediately understand when this film is included here.

After four previous pictures, the Final Destination franchise returned in 2011 for yet another outing which was very much presented as the same old, same old of an opening act catastrophe being averted, and Death then hunting down those who escaped said disaster. For the most part, that's exactly what we got with all of the regular FD tropes being ticked off across the majority of this fifth entry's 92-minute run time.

Sure, there's nothing particularly wrong with the familiar Final Destination narrative, and it's always guaranteed to have you on the edge of your seat for its fake-outs, but after five films that basic concept can start to feel a smidge stale. That's where FD5 came through and came through big by delivering a twist ending that elevated the movie from forgettable to memorable.

That twist ending, of course, is that the final few minutes of Final Destination 5 reveal that this sequel was really a prequel, as showcased by two of our 'survivors' getting on the same Volée Airlines Flight 180 that exploded during the start of the first FD picture.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.