10 Horror Movie Sequels That Had No Right To Be This Good

2. Evil Dead II

Final Destination 5
New Line Cinema

The biggest reason why Evil Dead II should be a stinker of a movie on paper, is because many view the film to actually be a loose remake of the first Evil Dead picture.

For decades, the debate has ravaged on amongst horror hounds as to whether Evil Dead II is a sequel or a remake. Even franchise star Bruce Campbell isn't entirely sure on this matter, with him instead labelling the film a "requel" during a 2016 interview with Bay at the Moon Productions.

Given how much of Evil Dead II tells a story extremely close to the one seen in The Evil Dead, that alone should've meant the film wouldn't be all that well received by fans. Added to that, this 1987 offering opted to go in a far more slapstick direction that its chilling, terrifying predecessor.

So, here you have a sequel that rehashes several pivotal parts of the original movie, and that strips away some of the balls-to-the-wall scares in favour of a more comedic approach to its antics. Gloriously, this all comes together to work majestically and truly set the tone for what the greater Evil Dread franchise would become synonymous with.

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Senior Writer

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