10 Horror Movie Sequels With ONE Great Scene

4. Don Leaves Alice For Dead - 28 Weeks Later

Hostel 2

28 Weeks Later is certainly not a bad movie by any stretch - it's a solidly decent sequel, albeit one which only captures the nerve-shredding anxiety of Danny Boyle's original in its opening sequence.

The scene depicts the harrowing circumstances through which Don (Robert Carlyle) left his wife Alice (Catherine McCormack) for dead after a horde of the infected attacked their tranquil farmhouse getaway.

Between the claustrophobic camerawork, Carlyle's physical performance, and a well-earned reprise of the first film's iconic track "In The House - In A Heartbeat," it's a dizzyingly intense, brutally violent sequence which sets the tone perfectly.

It's not surprising to learn that the scene's second-unit direction was undertaken by Boyle himself, seemingly explaining why it captures the vibe of the first film so much better than the rest of the movie.

Again, that's not to say 28 Weeks Later is anything less than an entertaining follow-up, but it mostly lacks the grimly compelling psychological horror and low-fi charm of Boyle's original.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.