10 Horror Movie Sequels You Had No Idea Were Just Released

1. Titanic 666

Jeepers Creepers Reborn

Shlock factory The Asylum are still busy peddling their production line of awful "mockbusters," though Titanic 666 probably isn't quite what you're expecting.

No, it's not a low-budget, supernaturally themed riff on James Cameron's Titanic, but rather a belated sequel to The Asylum's original Cameron knock-off, 2010's Titanic II.

Titanic II was a straight-up disaster flick and a mightily terrible one at that, in which a replica of the original Titanic vessel attempted to repeat its voyage in reverse, only for disaster to strike once again.

The film was a viral hit in 2010, and that seemed to be the end of it. But Asylum co-founder David Michael Latt ultimately decided to dust the "IP" off for another go with this 12-years-later horror-themed sequel.

The insane trailer for the Tubi Original project - ever a hallmark of quality - shows the Titanic 3 being assailed by demonic forces and an iceberg, because why the hell not?

Unsurprisingly, the few reviews out in the wild have been utterly scathing, but when did bad press ever stop The Asylum from doing anything?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.