10 Horror Movie Sequels You Had No Idea Were Just Released

7. Bring It On: Cheer Or Die

Jeepers Creepers Reborn

Bring It On: Cheer or Die is an especially interesting case given that Bring It On isn't typically regarded as a horror series.

The cheerleading comedy franchise is of course best remembered for the Kirsten Dunst-starring 2000 original, and by 2017 five direct-to-video sequels had come and gone without making much of a dent.

But you really had to keep your eyes peeled to spot the latest seventh film, which was quietly dumped on VOD before Halloween - a truly baffling detour into horror territory for the franchise, as a group of cheerleaders are picked off by a mysterious killer.

On paper there was actually some potential here - a high school satire that delivered gory kills and featured cheerleaders using their acrobatic skills to defend themselves could've been a ton of fun. Could've, that is.

Yet despite the intriguing weirdness of its genre shift, Bring It On: Cheer or Die is the worst thing yet produced by the "IP" - blandly written, filmed, and acted, complete with largely bloodless PG-13 death scenes.

It's one of those mesmerisingly awful sequels whose intent is completely bewildering. Pleasing neither horror fans nor those who actually enjoyed the mainline series, who the hell was this for?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.