10 Horror Movie Survivors Everyone Forgets About

1. Will Rollins - Freddy Vs. Jason

horror movies for dummies
New Line Cinema

A small number of characters have managed to survive Freddy Krueger's (Robert Englund) wrath over the course of the franchise, and while we all remember the likes of the indomitable Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp), what about Will Rollins (Jason Ritter)? Anybody?

In Freddy vs. Jason, Will is the ex-boyfriend of protagonist Lori Campbell (Monica Keena), and pretty uninteresting as male leads go.

That's not Ritter's fault - Will just isn't written to be remembered, and as the romantic interest of the Final Girl, he's pretty unlikely to leave the movie alive, right?

Though you'd be forgiven for forgetting, Will does actually limp his way to the end, even if it's Lori who does the heavy lifting where survival is concerned - namely chopping Freddy's head off with Jason's machete.

Lori at least has enough personality to be familiar to fans despite hardly being one of the Elm Street series' great protagonists, but Will? Dull as dishwater.

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