10 Horror Movie Survivors Everyone Forgets About

3. Cameron Elam - Halloween (2018)

horror movies for dummies

2018's Halloween quasi-reboot-sequel was such a breath of fresh air that many fans forgot about a character whose fate was left suspiciously up in the air.

During the movie, Laurie's (Jamie Lee Curtis) granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak) is cheated on by her drunken douchecanoe of a boyfriend, Cameron (Dylan Arnold).

This is all set up in such a way that the audience is led to assume he'll be one of Michael Myers' victims, allowing viewers to relish an A-grade a**hole getting his grisly comeuppance.

But Cameron basically disappears out of the movie shortly after his infidelity is exposed, and is implied to have survived the night.

This was later confirmed by a deleted scene which shows Cameron being arrested after insulting a pair of cops, inadvertently saving his own life by mouthing off and spending the night in the cells.

Curiously, though, Cameron will reportedly be re-appearing in the upcoming sequel Halloween Kills, and considering how much fans hated his character, it's looking pretty damn likely he'll get an excessively violent death.

Or, if director David Gordon Green really wants to troll fans, it'll become a running joke that Cameron keeps improbably surviving. Wait and see.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.