10 Horror Movie Victims Who Got The Best Revenge

3. Fresh - Noa

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In Fresh, Noa is ready to give up on men until she meets the man of her dreams, Steve. But when he takes her to his cabin, she learns that "Steve" is actually called Brendan. Also, he's a cannibal.

After Noa tries to flee, he surgically removes the flesh around her buttocks and eats it. Knowing she can't risk another escape, Noa slowly but surely manipulates her captor into believing she wants to be a cannibal too.

After she eats breast meat, Brendan is convinced Noa has genuinely changed, and decides to have sex with her. Oblivious to Noa's true intentions, Brendan lets her commit fellatio on him, allowing her to bites his balls off. While he writhes in agony, she frees the other prisoners before exiting the building.

Brendan does his best to capture the women but, due to his nuts being torn off, is easily overpowered by them. After they batter him senseless and hack at him with a shovel, Noa shoots him right between the eyes.

After watching Brendan giddily devour women for the previous 90 minutes, it was so gratifying to watch him in his final moments, crying like a child without any dignity or testicles.


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