10 Horror Movie Villains Secretly Introduced Way Earlier Than You Realise

7. The Cult Members - Hereditary

The Bye Bye Man

Hereditary is a masterfully constructed flick that follows a harrowing tale of a family being haunted by a supernatural presence. Ari Aster, in his directorial debut, creates one of the most unsettling atmospheres in the opening exchanges of his plot that most audience members were probably unsure as to what the supposed threat was, let alone where it was coming from.

When the true threat to the Graham family is revealed to be the insidious cult, things begin to make much more sense. However, this threat had been teased much earlier than most picked up on.

The cult are shown popping up in all manner of methods; in the attic, behind slightly open doorways, in a wide shot of the house's exterior, as well as in a chilling scene where they are shown conjuring up a Paimon to unnerve the family.

It's a small detail that very few would have noticed on a first-time viewing, but, it goes to show the detail Aster puts into his work and adds an extra dimension in revealing just how omniprescent the haunting of the Grahams truly was.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.