10 Horror Movie Villains With Surprisingly Boring Day Jobs

5. Bo Sinclair – Petrol Station Attendant – House Of Wax

Robin Williams One Hour Photo
Warner Bros

For all of its other faults – and they are many – 2005’s maligned Chad Michael Murray / Paris Hilton piece, House Of Wax, is not in want of a couple of kooky villains.

The film starts out like any other teen wilderness slasher: a group of friends go camping out in the sticks one night, away from civilisation and conveniently cut off from communicating with the outside world. One thing leads to another, and before we know it blood is pouring and somebody loses their head.

In House Of Wax, however, the villain is not some creature summoned from the Necronomicon or a sinister corporate company specialising in fear and sacrifice. No, it is Bo Sinclair (Brian Van Holt), attendant of the ghost town of Ambrose's petrol station. Bo leads victims to his maniacal brother Vincent (also played by Van Holt), who kills them and turns them into wax figures to populate the town's church, cinema and other attractions.

Given Bo only services a population of two, plus any stragglers he can catch coming in off the highway, the days must really stretch out ahead of him. At least he doesn't have to worry about any gas-and-dashers.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.