10 Horror Movie Villains You Didn't Realise Actually Won

4. Dr. Ellie Staple - Glass


M. Night Shyamalan's Glass wraps up in deeply polarising fashion, with all three superpowered protagonists - The Horde (James McAvoy), Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson), and David Dunn (Bruce Willis) - all being killed off.

The film's categorical hero, Dunn, is drowned in a puddle by a SWAT team member at the behest of Dr. Ellie Staple (Sarah Paulson), who reveals herself to be Glass' true villain - a member of a secret society which has been supressing the existence of superpowered people for millennia.

Yet the final scenes seems to offer something of a posthumous victory for the supers, as it's revealed that Mr. Glass had footage of the fight between the Horde and Dunn live-streamed to the Internet, where it appears to go viral.

This seems to put the kibosh on Staple's plans to keep the supers under wraps, then, except that Shyamalan has a rather optimistic interpretation of how such a video would actually be interpreted by the world at large.

Sure, there are many who simply believe everything they see online, but in a so-called "post-truth" era, where anyone with a smartphone can easily fabricate such a fight, would people en masse really accept it as real?

Would it be easier to believe that superpowered people exist or that someone cooked up a well-made hoax? 

In an era where AI is now muddying the waters more than ever, it's simply impossible to believe that such a video would ever have the tectonic, global ramifications that Shyamalan's ending readily implies.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.