10 Horror Movies That Defined The Last 10 Years

7. The Wicker Man (2006)

We might have chosen any of the inessential, totally unnecessary horror movie remakes that have clotted up multiplexes all over the world over the course of the last decade, but we went with The Wicker Man as the ultimate example of mindless, Hollywood re-imagining - a remake so preposterous in its conceit, its execution and its accidental legacy, that it has somehow amounted an ironic fanbase of the highest order. The Wicker Man makes our list, then, as the definitive remake we didn't need, included as one of the 10 films that defined the the last 10 years because it showcases Hollywood's attempts to bring old favourites to new audiences at its most ridiculous. Nicolas Cage stars in this awful, plot-holed induced bore of a movie; watched in full, it's a snooze. But for the full effect, check out a compilation of "best moments" on YouTube.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.