10 Horror Movies Remembered For One Amazing Scene

7. The Razor Wire Slaughter - Ghost Ship

Hostel 2
Warner Bros

Ghost Ship is about... ghosts... on a ship... I think? Whether you've seen the movie yesterday or at its premier, you'll struggle to recall anything about this contrived mess.

That's why it's so ironic that this forgettable horror flick has one of the most imaginatively creative openings in all of horror. In the beginning scene, we see dozens of passengers merrily dancing on an ocean liner. Because the credits and title are written in a cartoonishly pink font, you'd swear you are about to watch a light-hearted rom-com.

While a little girl, Kate, dances with the captain, a razor-sharp wire suddenly unravels from its spool. With little warning, the wire whips across the dance floor, slicing everyone in half. Because of Kate's short stature, the wire flies over her head, making her the sole survivor. But as she looks around at dismembered bodies and people trying to scoop their organs back into their body, it's self-evident she will never forget this moment... just like the viewers.

If you haven't seen Ghost Ship... don't. But if you are a true horror fan, it would be a crime not to check out the prologue.


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