10 Horror Movies Ruined By Fan Overhype

7. Glass

Us Dahlia
Universal Pictures

It's never wise to overpraise a new director, based entirely on one movie. So, when M. Night Shyamalan was hailed as "The Next Steven Spielberg" after the success of The Sixth Sense, it seemed like the poor guy never stood a chance.

Even though his next few films were met positively, his work got progressively worse. By the time Shyamalan released The Happening, The Last Airbender, and After Earth, it was hard to believe how revered he once was.

So, when Shyamalan announced he was making Split, a psychological horror revolving around a sociopath with 24 personalities, many assumed it would be a travesty.

However, Split was met positively, mainly because of James McAvoy's tour de force performance. Also, viewers were blown away by the climax, which revealed the story took place in the same universe as Unbreakable. When Shyamalan declared the leads of both films would face off in the follow-up, Glass, it looked like the infamous filmmaker had got his mojo back.

But due to exposition dumps, barren dialogue, and excessive twists, the reaction to the long-awaited crossover was... well... pretty much the same as most of Shyamalan's work. Glass may have some redeeming qualities, but it could've been so much more.

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