10 Horror Movies Ruined By Fan Overhype

5. Nope

Us Dahlia

If you felt disappointed after watching Us, you'd think you would be more cautious about Jordan Peele's next project. One bitten, twice shy, and all that.

However, Peele's latest follow-up, Nope, drew us all in with its masterful marketing.

First off, that title: Nope. Despite how abrupt and unintentionally funny it sounds, fans spent months dissecting the title's meaning, which led to all sorts of wild theories.

The poster, which showed a flagged string dangling from an ominous cloud, explained next to nothing, and yet, left us utterly tantalised.

Although we thought all would be explained when the trailer dropped, it just left us with more questions. After watching the phenomenal teaser, everyone had the same thought - "I have to see this movie."

Like Us, Nope was a very divisive film. Despite the fact there's plenty of people who loved it, there's just as many, who detested Nope with an unbridled passion.

When Jordan Peele inevitably declares his next project, it's safe to assume everyone will lower their standards to a more realistic level to avoid feeling let down for a third time.

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