10 Horror Movies Ruined By Fan Overhype

3. The Blair Witch Project

Us Dahlia
Artisan Entertainment

The marketing campaign for The Blair Witch Project didn't just advertise the movie well. The way they sold this found-footage horror as an authentic documentary was a work of art.

Because the actors in the film die in the climax, they went into hiding while The Blair Witch Project was advertised to make their deaths seem legit. The Blair Witch website had fake police reports and phoney interviews about the missing party to add to the deception.

After half the world was duped into believing The Blair Witch Project was the real deal, it was no surprise when it made a killing at the box office.

There was just one problem. The Blair Witch isn't great. It's boring, badly shot, and deeply repetitive. Also, it's responsible for popularising one of the most annoying aspects in the history of cinema - shaky-cam!! If you're sick and tired of this ridiculous filming technique, blame The Blair Witch.

Maybe if the filmmakers spent more time on telling a compelling story rather than how they sold the movie, The Blair Witch Project would be remembered more fondly.

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