10 Horror Movies Ruined Entirely By One Scene

8. Red Explains Everything - Us

Texas Chainsaw 3D

Jordan Peele's Us was a solidly compelling follow-up to his Oscar-winning filmmaking debut Get Out, at least until it came time to wrap things up.

In the third act, Peele goes way too far in explaining the phenomenon of the Tethered - the terrifying doppelgängers who have emerged to violently "untether" themselves from their regular counterparts.

The main Tethered, Red (Lupita Nyong'o), reveals to her counterpart Adelaide that the Tethered reside underground and are the result of a government experiment to control their equivalents above-ground.

The government eventually abandoned their experiment, leaving the Tethered to roam around underground, mimicking their doubles above-ground and subsisting on rabbit meat.

This is a classic case of a movie over-explaining itself unnecessarily. This reveal invites a ton of questions - namely, how exactly can all the Tethered fit underground? How do they mimic precisely what their doubles are doing? And how can they survive on something as lean as rabbit meat?

Basically, Peele literalised a story that didn't need to be. Trying to cram something otherworldly into a "realistic" box rarely works, and this is proof perfect of why. It forces the audience to confront and scrutinise in logical terms rather than just accept the unknown.

Sometimes it's better to just leave a movie's central fantastical phenomena unexplained, especially if the alternative is fudging a totally silly and lackluster one like this. It's a reveal that sinks the entire movie, sadly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.