10 Horror Movies Ruined Entirely By One Scene

2. Sponsored By Pepsi - World War Z

Texas Chainsaw 3D

World War Z isn't a great movie by any means, but considering its well-documented post-production woes, the fact that it's a perfectly watchable horror-actioner is pretty impressive.

And not even a PG-13 rating nor that laughable scene where a doctor trips and shoots himself in the head could entirely derail this so-so adaptation of Max Brooks' beloved horror novel.

Instead, it comes down to one unintentionally hilarious aside at the very end of the movie, when protagonist Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) heads to the World Health Organization facility in Cardiff and tests out a pathogen which he believes can camouflage him from the zombies.

After injecting himself, Gerry stops at a Pepsi vending machine and treats himself to cold can of the fizzy stuff - a seemingly triumphant moment of respite for the man before he releases all the cans from the machine in order to draw the zombies' attention and test out the camo.

Yet everything about this moment is impossible to take seriously, given that it's basically shot like a damn Pepsi commercial, reminding you that you're watching a soulless corporate Product rather than, well, an earnest attempt at adapting Brooks' novel into a movie.

The Pepsi cans all carefully angled towards the camera, Brad Pitt seemingly having the time of his life as he chugs it down. It's distracting to the point of lunacy, and all the more ridiculous when you consider that this was a reshoot.

Gee, could anybody else go for a Pepsi right about now?

And finally, if you haven't yet seen The Exorcist: Believer, MAJOR SPOILERS will follow...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.