10 Horror Movies Scenes Shot For Real

1. A Real Horse Was Sedated - Raw

Vampire's Kiss
Petit Film

2016's Raw is a tale about a young vegetarian student going through her first year of veterinary school, with said girl eventually being made to eat a raw rabbit kidney and, well, getting quite the taste for it.

Perhaps just as disturbing as the shots of Justine chowing down on raw chicken or her own arm, though, is a moment in the film involving the students watching a horse being sedated with ketamine in front of them.

Practical effects or puppetry weren't used to create this cold and clinical sequence either. That was an actual horse being very much sedated. 

To capture the quite upsetting scene, director Julia Ducournau managed to get permission to shoot a genuine horse sedation that was set to go down at a real veterinary school. The actors were then invited to stand and watch the shocking moment a horse slowly goes limp and drops to the floor, with the director later telling The Guardian that she wanted the scene to show the audience that, like human beings, even magnificent animals like horses are "at the mercy of their bodies". 

She unquestionably showed that with this distressing sedation, and it's definitely a moment - like so many within this acclaimed body horror - that you're not likely to forget in a hurry.

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