10 Horror Movies Shot From The Killer’s Perspective

9. Peeping Tom

Maniac Elijah Wood

Few horror films can profess to be as ground-breaking as Michael Powell's 1960 masterpiece Peeping Tom, which literally decades before found footage became a thing saddled audiences with a killer, Mark Lewis (Carl Boehm), with a penchant for filming himself murdering women.

Rather than build up a mystery about the murderer's identity, Powell makes it clear who we're dealing with from the opening scene. 

We're swiftly introduced to Mark, moments before we cut to the perspective of his camera as he meets up with a prostitute and stabs her to death with the camera's bladed tripod, all of this being recorded.

For the bulk of the movie, we stay with Mark as he kills, screens the recorded killings for himself, and then goes back out to satisfy his urges once again. 

This was all highly innovative for its era, and even over six decades later it remains an outstandingly bold film, confessing the inherent voyeurism of cinema by forcing the viewer to cling close to the killer throughout.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.