10 Horror Movies That Are Way Better When You Already Know The Twist

9. Orphan

Get Out
Warner Bros.

In Orphan, a married couple are left grief-stricken after they lose their baby. To resolve their troubled relationship, they decide to adopt a nine-year-old called Esther.

Little do they realise that Esther isn't a child at all. She's a 33-year-old, who suffers from a growing disease, giving her the appearance of a young girl. Desperate for love, Esther poses as a child, and will stop at nothing to be adopted.

Although this twist seems to come out of nowhere, there were plenty of signs that many first-time viewers don't pick up on. Throughout the story, Esther demonstrates a keen knowledge of adult-oriented subjects. She has a prodigal level of skill in arts and music, highlighting she's had decades of practice. Although people think Esther wears fluffy clothes because she's old-fashioned, it's to hide her adult figure.

She refuses to go to the dentist, since her milk-teeth dentures will be exposed. She also cuts her meals into tiny pieces, since it's difficult to break food down with false teeth.

Because the movie is over a decade old, the majority of moviegoers are aware of this twist. However, that shouldn't deter you from watching Orphan, since it's an excellent example of foreshadowing done right.

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