10 Horror Movies That Aren’t About What You Think

5. Antebellum

The Empty Man

Now, a lot of you might understand exactly what Antebellum is about, but that's because the trailers for it - for whatever reason - decided to just outright spoil the big twist the entire movie is built around.

It's a shame too, because the film itself does so much work to hide the big mid-movie reveal, and only really has any suspense if you don't know it's coming. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me explain.

Antebellum opens on Eden, a Civil War-era slave who recently attempted to escape a plantation in Louisiana, resulting in a bunch of her fellow slaves being murdered. The first act essentially follows her daily life - as she's forced to work, is routinely assaulted by confederate soldiers, and slowly hatches a plot to escape.

That is, until one night when she hears a modern phone ringing outside, and the flick flashes back a few weeks. It turns out Antebellum isn't a period piece at all, but takes place in the present day!

Eden - really a beloved author called Veronica - has been kidnapped along with a bunch of other Black people by the white owners of a Civil War reenactment centre.

It's... bonkers, and doesn't totally work, but it's certainly not what you expect from the first half an hour.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3