10 Horror Movies That Brutally Punish Survivors
1. Rachel - The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)

Like the other two movies in Tom Six's Human Centipede trilogy, The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) is a grim, grim picture.
After Laurence R. Harvey's Martin has put together his own twisted human centipede, the only person who manages to escape Martin's clutches is Rachel (Katherine Templar).
Under the belief that she's dead, Martin removes the pregnant Rachel from his centipede plans, which later gives her the opportunity to make her run for safety while so many others are forced to do some truly hideous, stomach-turning things. Getting to a nearby car, things take a scary turn for Rachel when her water breaks and she goes into labour - quickly giving birth at the scene.
An escape in any Human Centipede film was never going to be easy, and that 100% is the case for Rachel.
While making her escape in the aforementioned car, Rachel gruesomely runs over the skull of her newborn. It's disgusting, it's jarring, it's perfectly indicative of Six's trilogy, and it's the sort of sequence that forever puts plentiful people off The Human Centipede property.