10 Horror Movies That Chose The Wrong Survivor

6. Robert Morse - Alien 3

I Know What you Did Last Summer

Alien 3 is an interesting example because a lot of people actually forget that, after Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) hurls herself into a furnace in order to kill the ready-to-burst Xenomorph Queen, prisoner Robert Morse (Danny Webb) is effectively the last man standing.

Though Morse is attacked by Weyland-Yutani operatives, he's still very much among the living when taken into their custody at the end of the film, even if he's never been mentioned again in any subsequent movie.

According to the wider canon, he was transferred to a C-class prison and died of natural causes almost 30 years later. Not bad.

Now, nothing against Morse here, but he absolutely isn't the character most fans wanted to see survive - if Ripley's sacrificial death made sense, it would've been extremely fitting that Newt (Danielle Edmond, replacing Carrie Henn) made it out alive.

Deciding to kill off both Hicks (Michael Biehn) and Newt at the start of the movie remains the series' single biggest dramatic trespass to date.

Given that Newt was Ripley's major dramatic tether, it would've made sense that she was simply wounded in the initial crash and made a recovery by film's end, allowing her to mourn Ripley's death in an elegiac epilogue and bring the trilogy of films to a suitable close.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.