10 Horror Movies That Cleverly START With Huge Twists

3. Soft & Quiet

Soft And Quiet Cake Twist
Momentum Pictures

Beth de Araújo's Soft and Quiet is one of those great horror films that throws a bucket of cold water over the audience in the early going, ensuring they will either remain tightly gripped for the remainder or immediately nope out.

The film opens by introducing us to kindergarten teacher Emily (Stefanie Estes), who is initially presented as a totally regular, pleasant young woman, even if the scenes that follow progressively suggest that something more uneasy is afoot.

Emily heads out into the woods for a clandestine meeting with a group of other white women, and while it initially appears to be as mundane and harmless as any regular PTA/soccer mum meet-up, once the meeting begins it's made abundantly clear what's actually going on.

The pie which Emily brought to the meeting, covered in foil up to this point, is revealed to have a swastika carved into the top, before Emily reveals that she's the leader of a newly-formed group of white supremacist women.

It's a completely left-field yet brilliant, attention-grabbing way to open the movie, and one which instantly assures the audience they're not watching any typical horror film.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.