10 Horror Movies That Eerily Came True

5. A Shark Falls Out Of The Sky - Sharknado

antiviral human

The Sharknado movies are nothing more than dumb fun, so who on Earth would ever expect anything that happens in them to actually be replicated in reality?

The films are of course focused around their titular fictional phenomenon, where sharks get swept up by a series of tornadoes and threaten any poor human meatsacks nearby.

It's gleefully silly, and yet, residents of Australia's Ayr, Queensland found themselves witnessing a small slice of a real-life Sharknado back in 2017.

After Cyclone Debbie tore through Queensland, it left a five-foot bull shark on a random street in Ayr, prompting shock and fear from the locals. Though the shark was returned to the sea, it sadly couldn't be saved.

Ultimately in this case the "sharknado" was limited to just a single shark being flung upon civilisation, but it's still pretty damn terrifying. Imagine you're going out for some milk or to grab a pack of smokes and see a freakin' shark fall out of the sky.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.