10 Horror Movies That Got Scarier YEARS Later

1. The Entity

Misery Kathy Bates

1982's The Entity is a fascinatingly unique and unforgettable horror film in which a single mother (Barbara Hershey) is sexually assaulted by an invisible supernatural force.

As absurd a setup as that might sound, it's executed with serious-minded panache by filmmaker Sidney J. Furie, aided by a phenomenal performance from the great Barbara Hershey.

And while The Entity has always been well-regarded by critics, it's never really enjoyed the wider popularity it deserved, perhaps in part due to its explicit subject matter.

Yet the onset of the #MeToo movement in 2017 saw a number of think-pieces re-evaluate the film in an entirely new context. 

The struggle of Hershey's protagonist Carla to be believed while battling an enemy who is literally hidden from view hits somewhat differently in light of #MeToo. 

For while these issues obviously existed back in the 1980s, the recent strides forward have brought that struggle into mainstream culture, rather than cloistering it away.

If audiences of the past could've more easily engaged with The Entity as a fantastical genre film, to modern eyes it's impossible to ignore the basically direct parallels to reality.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.