10 Horror Movies That Got Scarier YEARS Later

7. The Purge

Misery Kathy Bates
Universal Pictures

Ah, remember when The Purge movies were nothing more than ridiculous, pulpy fantasy without any conceivable grounding in reality? Those were the days.

Except, with political polarisation reaching a fever pitch, America electing Donald Trump to the Presidency, and potentially doing it all over again in November, the very concept of The Purge has never felt more within our own political ballpark.

While the President would struggle to ever enact an annual Purge on their own authority, the terrifying Project 2025 mandate Trump plans to launch if re-elected - which would nudge the U.S. into autocracy - certainly sounds like something the Purge's far-right party, The New Founding Fathers of America, would approve of.

Again, a day of state-authorised mayhem under Trump isn't probable, but it doesn't seem quite as absurd as it did a decade ago, which is scary to say in of itself.

When John Carpenter-esque B-movie exploitation flicks are starting to seem less like fully far-flung fiction, it's reasonable to be concerned.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.