10 Horror Movies That Left Out The True Horrific Ending

1. The Girl Next Door

The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
Starz Home Entertainment

No actual murders are nice to hear about, but the vicious killing of teenager Sylvia Likens is especially unpleasant.

Sylvia and her sister Jenny were living with a woman named Gertrude Baniszewski whilst their mother was serving jail time. Over the course of three months, Baniszewski orchestrated the routine physical and mental torture of Sylvia, often letting neighbouring children and her own kids beat, burn, and starve the poor girl.

Sylvia died at the age of just 16, after experiencing untold horrors in her final few months. In 2007, a film called The Girl Next Door portrayed a fictionalised version of Sylvia's abuse and was dedicated to her memory.

At the end of the feature, the perpetrators of the vile crimes are arrested. This happened in real life too, with Baniszewski, two of her children, and two others ending up in jail. However, despite her part in the brutal death of a young girl, Baniszewski was released after just 14 years in prison for her "good conduct" whilst inside.

The sad truth of life is that bad people often get away with doing bad things. The unspeakable actions of Gertrude Baniszewski should have resulted in her rotting in jail for life, but, unfortunately, that's not how the world works.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.