10 Horror Movies That Made You Say 'WTF Were They Thinking'

1. Cutting Several Death Scenes - Slender Man

Exorcist 2
Sony Pictures Releasing

It's not unfair to say that 2018's Slender Man movie is a goddamn atrocity - a low-effort waste of a perfectly good idea for a film, to adapt the iconic Internet creepypasta story into a full-blown cinematic scare-fest.

Beyond the cardboard characters and generally sloppy writing though, its biggest failure lies in ultimately leaving several character deaths - that is, what everyone was actually paying to see - on the cutting room floor.

The trailer memorably showed high-schooler Chloe (Jaz Sinclair) stabbing herself in the face with a scalpel and fellow student Tom (Alex Fitzalan) falling from a roof, yet neither of these scenes ended up in the final cut.

As it turned out, Sony apparently panicked during post-production due to the Slender Man stabbing case taking place at the time - where two 12-year-old girls stabbed their friend 19 times in an alleged attempt to appease the fictional entity.

And so, much of the violent content was pulled from the movie during editing, including the aforementioned death scenes, causing both Chloe and Tom to just suddenly disappear out of the movie without explanation.

Another character, Allison (Kallie Tabor), similarly exits the movie abruptly, despite the trailers showing far more footage of her, suggesting she too was probably supposed to be killed by the creature.

Now, sensitivity is one thing, but shouldn't this be something to consider before putting a Slender Man film into production?

Wringing your hands over it once the thing is in the can is something else, and then releasing it with the few scenes people actually wanted to see being removed? Just poor decision-making all around here, honestly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.