10 Horror Movies That Made You Say 'WTF Were They Thinking'

8. The Shark's Roar - Jaws: The Revenge

Exorcist 2

The fourth Jaws movie is basically the peyote-huffing nightmare of a film executive which somehow got given the greenlight, and because a sequel centered around a shark with literal revenge on its mind isn't silly enough, said shark straight-up roars like a lion in the movie's climax. Yup.

As the remaining survivors battle the vengeful shark, it repeatedly leaps out of the water and lets out ridiculously over-the-top roars it couldn't possibly make in real life. Y'know, it not being a lion and all.

It's tough to comprehend what director Joseph Sargent was going for here, because we certainly can't blame the movie's sound designers, who reportedly refused to create an original shark roar sound effect because they thought the idea was too ridiculous.

As a result, the roar we hear in the final film was taken from a 1946 Tom and Jerry short called The Milky Waif, because why the hell not?

In a film that feels like it was directed by an extraterrestrial who's never actually seen one before, this is the strangest creative choice of all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.