10 Horror Movies That Made You Say 'WTF Were They Thinking'

6. Joan's Unintentionally Hilarious Death - Damien: Omen II

Exorcist 2

Damien: Omen II isn't a terrible sequel by any means, yet director Don Taylor nevertheless put his foot totally wrong during one infamously, unintentionally hilarious death scene mid-way through the movie.

On the face of it, journalist Joan Hart's (Elizabeth Shephard) grisly death scene should be absolutely traumatic, given that she has her eyes ripped out by a raven before stumbling into the nearby road and being hit by a huge truck.

But as ever, execution is everything.

While the initial eye-peck is suitably horrific - aided by both solid creature effects and Shephard's blood-curdling screams - it all goes wrong once the truck comes along.

When the truck hits Joan, her body is miraculously propelled up into the air and towards the truck, at which point it collides with the truck bed behind the driver's cab, falls through the gap, and is then crushed by the rest of the truck as it drives over her.

Between the blatant disregard of physics and ludicrously unpersuasive dummy used for the scene, a seemingly nauseating sequence is turned into a genuine thigh-slapping delight. Or are we just a little sick in the head? Either way, the technical aspects of this scene could've been a lot sharper.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.