10 Horror Movies That Make Silence Terrifying

4. The Woman In Black

The Crawlers Aren T The REAL Killers In The Descent THUMB

James Watkin's film manages to get scares with atmosphere alone.

The Woman in Black takes a classic approach to horror, giving us a trip to a haunted house that comes with vague warnings from locals and eerie happenings where things go bump in the night. Daniel Radcliffe’s character, Arthur, is completely isolated in this house as he completes his lawyer duties for the deceased owner, leaving long moments of pure silence that build the tension and push audiences to the edge of their seat.

The best example of this is a scene of Arthur checking out a noise he hears somewhere in the house. With nothing but a candle, he moves through the house as slowly as possible. The atmosphere begs for something to break this silence, even if it's a scare just to take the tension away, but this scene goes on and on and on. It's agonising.

Being able to scare someone with extraordinarily little is this film's strength, building up you up to scares that most of the time don't come. However, the rare occasion they do, you want to jump and run for the hills.

Keep your house lady, I don’t want anything to do with it!


A lad and his parrot who have too much time on their hands. I also write short horror stories as well at: https://twitter.com/soon_told