10 Horror Movies That Max Out Your Senses

6. The Sixth Sense

Hush Movie
Hollywood Pictures

The Sixth Sense shares many similarities to The Eye, but most importantly, Shyamalan did it first. Positing our viewpoint as someone that can see Cole's (Haley Osment) visions as well as the disbelieving masses, we're again forced to acknowledge that our own sight is limited, and can't necessarily be trusted.

Famously birthing the endlessly re-quoted line "I see dead people," The Sixth Sense tells the tale of a young boy with the ability to see and communicate with the dead. Treated by psychologist Bruce Willis, the pair try to understand his gift and put it to good use - helping spirits left behind come to terms with their death and complete any unfinished business.

Of course, in typical Shyamalan stylings, the big twist reveals itself to be that Willis was in fact a ghost all along too. In this way, we've been subject to Cole's extra sense for the entirety of the movie, forcing us to consider his interactions and our perception of them in an entirely new light. The film is one of those special creations that has to be watched twice to get the full effect, altering the way we see in a manner that truly takes the sensory experience to a new level.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.