10 Horror Movies That Missed Out The Money Shot

5. Splitsville For Nash - The Hitcher

Scream 5 Ghostface Flamethrower

The death of The Hitcher's Nash is one of the most disturbing, tension-laced demise of '80s horror, yet it's one that we never see in any real detail.

In this 1986 picture, Rutger Hauer's John Ryder is the titular hitcher whose in the middle of a killing spree that sees him off random drivers and eventually a bunch of cops. Caught up in all of this is Jim Halsey (C. Thomas Howell), who made the mistake of picking up Ryder midway through said bloodbath.

When Halsey makes friends with waitress Nash (Jennifer Jason Leigh), that inadvertently puts poor Nash in the crosshairs of Hauer's character. By that, it means that Ryder kidnaps her and ties her up between a truck cabin and the pitch of its trailer. Threatening to accelerate and tear Nash in two, Ryder has the cops and Jim where he wants them - as he knows they can't shoot him, for fear of his foot slipping off the clutch.

After a back-and-forth with Halsey, the villain of the piece simply goes ahead and releases the clutch, ripping Nash apart. The audience don't see this death, though, as The Hitcher opts to instead have a 'tearing' noise play over the top of Leigh's screams.

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