10 Horror Movies That Never Got Better Than Their Opening Moments

4. Ghost Ship

Cube 1997
Warner Bros.

Is there a single human being who actually remembers anything about 2002's supernatural horror film Ghost Ship beyond its brilliantly bloody opening set-piece?

The film kicks off in 1962 aboard the doomed Italian ocean liner the Antonia Graza, where passengers are dancing in the evening just as somebody's hand pulls a lever, causing the deck area to become surrounded by taut razor wire.

Moments later, the razor wire rips its way across the dance floor, and after a beat, we get to witness the dozens of passengers on the deck - including the captain - fall to pieces in front of a poor young girl (Emily Browning) who is mercifully too short to be cut by the wire.

There's no denying that the filmmakers put a ton of effort into executing this scene: over 20 years later it still holds up and gets the movie off to one hell of a start, even if nothing else Ghost Ship has to offer gets remotely close.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.