10 Horror Movies That Pissed Off Audiences Straight Away

6. Detective Kerry's Unfair Death - Saw III

saw 3 trap

Though the third Saw film is actually surprisingly good - especially for the standards of horror threequels - it kicked off with a major bummer death that felt unearned in every which way.

Barely 10 minutes into Saw III, Detective Allison Kerry (Dina Meyer), perhaps the most capable investigator following Jigsaw's (Tobin Bell) trail in the first three movies, gets kidnapped and placed in one of his traps.

The flimsy reason for Kerry's kidnapping? She's too obsessed with her work, which is apparently a fitting rationale for hooking her ribs into a contraption which will rip them apart if she can't retrieve a key housed within a vat of acid.

In a tense scene, Kerry ends up grabbing the key but gets cheated out of victory because, as we later learn, Jigsaw's apprentice Amanda (Shawnee Smith) rigged the trap to be unwinnable.

As a result, Kerry's rib cage is torn out of her body, killing her instantly. As shocking a moment as it was, it was also a genuine downer for fans who felt that Kerry was primed to become the series' new cop protagonist.

Even if the writers were dead-set on Kerry's death, it would've been more gratifying if she'd made it to the end of the movie and fallen at the finish line, rather than getting chumped out in one of the film's very first scenes like a standard issue meat puppet.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.