10 Horror Movies That Switch Villains

9. Halloween Ends (2022)

28 Days Later Christopher Ecclestone

David Gordon Green worked wonders with his Halloween revival horror trilogy, dragging the film series back out of the muck that it spent so many years languishing in, and making it appealing and relevant for contemporary audiences in search of an old-fashioned scare.

As with the first two entries, Michael Myers (James Jude Courtney) was supposed to be the headline villain for the final part of the trilogy, Halloween Ends, and yet he winds up taking a backseat for most of the film. The Shape gives way to young impersonator and all-round upstart Corey Cunningham (Rohan Campbell), a brand new villain who has been infected with the same evil and harbours lofty aspirations of taking Michael's mantle.

Corey goes so far as to literally wrest the iconic Shatner mask from Michael's hands, and wear it for a bloody but ultimately short-lived rampage in the film's third act. Michael returns at the very end of the movie, just in time for his own death, but it is very much Corey's film - whether fans like it or not.


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