10 Horror Movies That Were Scarier For Making You Think They Were Real

8. Noroi: The Curse

Noroi The Curse
PMP Entertainment

Noroi: The Curse is without question one of the greatest found footage horror films of all time, an expertly constructed mockumentary in which documentary filmmaker Masafumi Kobayashi (Jin Muraki) goes missing while making his latest film, The Curse.

The documentary then plays out, and couldn't be further from the lowest common denominator expectations many have of the genre.

For starters, the cast largely consists of actors who will be entirely unknown to western audiences, while the film's production values feel entirely faithful to what you'd expect to see in an actual documentary.

Even with a beefy two-hour runtime, most of Noroi is defined by its thick atmosphere and low-fi chills rather than over-the-top scare sequences, such that if you stumbled across the movie on TV in the early hours of the morning, you'd be forgiven for assuming it was an actual true crime doc.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.