10 Horror Movies Too Scary To Watch Again

5. Hell House LLC (2015)

The Orphanage
Cognetti Films

Hell House LLC was a very pleasant surprise to a lot of horror fans; these days we've given up on found footage films being any good at all, let alone genuinely scary. The premise of a Halloween attraction gone wrong is hardly a new one, and this film doesn't exactly reinvent the subgenre, but it shows a very good understanding of what made the best found footage films so effective.

Supernatural found footage films almost always work better when they adopt the less-is-more approach; Hell House LLC is admittedly very in your face and over the top at times, but it still manages creep you out and get under your skin once the initial jolts have worn off. What's impressive about Hell House LLC is that it's basically a movie that documents the behind the scenes set-up of what it's eventually going to scare you with, yet this doesn't diminish its impact.

The second and third installments of the series, The Abaddon Hotel (2018) and Lake of Fire (2019) are, to put it bluntly, crap. They do have one of two frightening moments, however cheesy they may be, but their appeal really lies in so-bad-they're-good guilty pleasure viewing. While the acting in the first film is very believable for the most part, which is partly what makes in such a scary film, the performances in the sequels are hilarious.

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The Orphanage
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