10 Horror Movies Where Nobody Wins

6. Possum

Martyrs 2008
Dark Sky Films

Oh Possum…you dreary, depressing, skin-crawling masterpiece, you!

This underrated gem is quiet, melancholic and leaves you with a very icky feeling by the time the credits roll. The audience watches as Philip, a lonely and slightly off putting man, tries his best to get rid of a puppet after he returns to his childhood home. We aren’t sure why he has decided to come home, we don’t know why his creepy uncle is living in the house and we don’t know why the hell that puppet is so goddamn creepy.

We have no idea where the film is going, or what it means to be honest, until the final few minutes of the movie. It’s revealed that uncle Maurice is sort of responsible for the whole thing; Philip’s trauma, a missing boy who vanished at the start of the film, and the whole reason why that puppet even exists.

But then again, given Philip’s mental state, we don’t even know if any of this actually happened at all. The final shot of the film is just Phillip staring off into the distance, the head of the puppet in his arms. He hasn’t let go, and given everything that was implied in the film, it’s hard to blame him.


Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.