10 Horror Movies Where Nobody Wins

4. Mother!

Martyrs 2008
Paramount Pictures

Darren Aronofsky films are a bit like Marmite – they either make you viscerally uncomfortable, or you are an unhinged monster.

Mother! is an expansive tale of Biblical allegories, the trauma of motherhood, environmentalism and is also an introvert’s worst nightmare. As Jennifer Lawrence’s character is increasingly tormented by a world that makes less and less sense with each passing moment, it becomes clear that this is a heightened and exaggerated version of our world.

By the end, the idyllic home is turned into a blazing hellscape filled with violent devotees of Javier Bardem’s ‘Him’ – leading ‘Mother’ to set the house alight with everyone in it. Yet as she dies, He takes her heart out and simply grows a new woman, the end of the film exactly mirroring the opening.

It’s pretty heavy handed as far as allegories go, but it drives home the idea that our greed will destroy our planet one day. As for the film, considering pretty much everyone died except for ‘Him’, that counts as a pretty massive loss, right?


Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.