10 Horror Movies Where The Final Girl Was The Villain

5. Amanda - Saw II (2005)

Tara Shrooms

Back in Saw's fledgling days, before it became a paint-by-numbers torture porn series, it grew out of the initial premise to deliver a series of creatively brutal traps, underpinned by vaguely moral messages of atonement and appreciation for what we have while we have it.

And what we have with Saw II is a labyrinth of twisted puzzles and a cast of deeply flawed characters to navigate their way through them -- or not, as the case so often is. Amongst them is Amanda (Shawnee Smith), final girl of the previous entry (Saw, 2004) and apparently a glutton for punishment. She makes it through various levels of the large, dilapidated house the film is set in -- including a syringe-filled pit -- and out the other side with all limbs and parts in tact.

It isn't until the closing sequence of the film, however, that we discover Amanda's survival is not by chance; she has been working with Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) all along, helping covertly manufacture and direct the events within the house, all in an effort to ensnare and trap corrupt police detective Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg). A job well done. Pity about the subsequent sequels, and Amanda's gradually declining characterisation...


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