10 Horror Movies Where The Final Girl Was The Villain

3. Tara - Shrooms (2007)

Tara Shrooms
Vertigo Films

Paddy Breathnach's Shrooms has by and large been lost in the horror annals, thanks in no small part to its increasing silliness and unmemorable characters (the bane of many a mediocre slasher).

The film centres around a group of US college kids who travel to Ireland and go camping out in the woods seeking the trip of their lives. After harvesting a stock of psilocybin mushrooms, they kick back, tell some spooky stories about the local area, and get well and truly shroomed. The End.

Well, not quite. Leading girl Tara (Lindsey Haun) accidentally noshes down a death bell mushroom and suffers a seizure, which causes her to experience premonitions of future events -- dark and bloody future events. Soon enough, the happy campers start getting picked off, which everyone attributes to a rogue monk from a nearby children's home, star of the group's campfire tales.

Tara and company are hunted by the mysterious, nigh-invisible killer until it is just our final girl left and the paramedics arrive to chopper her away. But there's more. Turns out the death bell mushroom flipped Tara's brain and turned her into the very maniac who did away with her friends. How nobody spotted her sudden sojourns into psychopathy, we may never know.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.