10 Horror Movies Where The Hero ALMOST Won

8. Final Destination

Smile Movie
New Line Cinema

When Alex Browning and his peers have a near-death experience, the Grim Reaper takes it very personally. Deducing that Death will come after them in the same order they were meant to die, Alex uses this knowledge to protect his friends (with mixed results).

Despite the dark spirit's best efforts, Alex and classmates Carter and Clear successfully cheat death once more.

However, the group underestimate Death's ability to bear a grudge. Rather than leaving them alone, the Reaper circles back and tries again. And when Carter sees a neon sign falling towards Alex in the climax, he shoves him out of the way.

Sadly, Carter's good deed backfires spectacularly. Since Carter is next on the hit-list, the sign swings back, crushing him to death. Alex and Clear don't fair much better, since Alex is killed between this film and its sequel; a sequel which also saw Clear offed.

In hindsight, you have to feel bad for Alex. Not only was he smart enough to figure out Death's design for them, he took it upon himself to save them all, even when they didn't believe him. Annoyingly, all they did was delay the inevitable.

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