10 Horror Movies Where The Hero ALMOST Won

6. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

Smile Movie

In the slasher genre, serial killers tend to have an unexplained ability to recover from any grievous wound. As such, viewers are half-expecting the villain to pop back up, no matter how many times they've been shot, stabbed, or incinerated.

And yet, the final moments in 2022's Texas Chainsaw Massacre still caught viewers off-guard. After arriving in the small town of Harlow, a group of young landlords encounter Leatherface just as he's prepping his latest killing spree.

After half the townsfolk find themselves on the end of the cannibal's blade, sisters Lila and Melody realise they're the only ones left who can put an end to the bloodshed. Following a ferocious chase, Melody grabs Leatherface's weapon and pulls off a Mortal Kombat-styled finishing move, uppercutting his face with the tip. The sisters then hop into a car and drive off, momentarily enjoying their triumph.

Sadly, their celebration is interrupted seconds later when Leatherface pulls Melody out of the window. As Lila looks from the sunroof, she watches the villain effortlessly cleave Melody's head off while she's in mid-scream.

Even though it's tragic, the sisters could've avoided this final encounter with the chainsaw-swinging mad man if they drove their car faster than 10mph.

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